Tag Archives: comics

Supercontext: From Hell

This graphic novel by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell came out between 1989 and 1998, 100 years after the Jack the Ripper murders it’s based on. We look at the meticulous research they put into this to try to understand how this story manages to be about true crime while indulging in deep themes like English identity, psychogeography, and the nature of time.

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Supercontext: Batman Odyssey

This comic book series by Neal Adams is a strange combination of talent and narcissism, along with the realization that its lead character and its creator aren’t as in control as they want to be. We discuss gun violence, Expanding Earth theory, and generational conflict to try to make sense of this one-of-a-kind experience.

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Supercontext: Exit, Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles

This 2018 comic series by Mark Russell and Mike Feehan reimagines the cartoon character as a gay playwright at odds with 1950s American politics. We examine Russell’s writing goals while considering a critical debate about the book: is it formulaic award-bait or character-driven commentary on our present circumstances?

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Goodnight PunPun, Volume 1

This 2007 manga serial by Inio Asano seems like a simple story about a middle-school boy growing up in Japan. But we find that using symbolic simplicity together with the detailed, weird world of adults, Asano has been described as the voice of his generation.

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Supercontext: Pride of Baghdad

This 2006 comic by Brian K. Vaughn and Niko Henrichon is about lions escaping the Baghdad Zoo during the Iraq War. We look at how the creators approached this subject matter, why it’s been challenged in libraries and how it represents people in the Middle East.

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Supercontext: The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, by Don Rosa

This 12-part comic series seems like a fan’s homage to Carl Bark’ Disney stories, but we uncover how the values of “hard work” within (and the corporate machinations of many publishers) led Rosa to quit making comics out of frustration and resentment.

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Supercontext: Astronauts in Trouble: Live From the Moon

This comic book about a private moon mission gone wrong is now lauded for launching the career of Walking Dead artist Charlie Adlard. But, it was also responsible for Larry Young and Mimi Rosenheim’s publishing house AiT/PlanetLar. So we discuss their approach to balancing commerce with art, and medium with story.

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Supercontext: Bone, Volume 1: Out From Boneville

This independent comedy/fantasy comic book series wasn’t intended to be for kids necessarily, but because of how savvily Jeff Smith marketed his self-publishing business, it became a hit for all-ages. We discuss Bone‘s impact on the library market, as well as its struggles with female representation and censorship.

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Supercontext: Absolute Planetary, Volume 1

This comic about archaeologists uncovering the secret history of pop culture took Warren Ellis and John Cassaday 10 years to complete. We discuss its interrogation of genre, intellectual property and history, in light of the cyclical nature of the comics industry some 20 years after the project started.

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Supercontext: My Favorite Thing Is Monsters by Emil Ferris

We look into the story behind-the-scenes of this surprisingly profound comic: from Ferris’ struggle with West Nile virus, to the book’s seizure en route through the Panama Canal. In addition, we discuss Ferris’ theme of “personal monster dilemmas” and how the process of creating this was like melting valuable dross from gold.

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