Monthly Archives: October 2019

Lost in the Stacks, Episode 443: Metadata of the Dead

Image: ©2011 Braydon Fuller

Guest: Robin Fay aka GeorgiaWebGurl

First broadcast October 25 2019.

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“I’m delighted to point out that sometimes that’s known as a graveyard shift.”

Check out this episode!

Supercontext: Chapo Trap House

This political comedy podcast makes over a million dollars a year from its Patreon subscribers alone. We try to unpack how it gets made while learning more about the personal values associated with the “dirtbag left.”

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Check out this episode!

Lost in the Stacks, Episode 442: Archivists Against History Repeating Itself

Guests: Itza Carbajal and Michaela Hart.

First broadcast October 18 2019.

Playlist at

“We come together because of, not despite of, our professional obligations.”

Supercontext: The Weird and the Eerie by Mark Fisher

This collection of non-fiction essays attempts to define two modes of storytelling by providing examples of each from popular culture. We talk about how Fisher’s argument fits into our larger discussions of horror stories and how his definitions may be useful for considering the end of capitalism.

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Lost in the Stacks, Episode 441: The CASE Act

satirical copyright graphic

Guest: Philip Burrus of the Burrus Intellectual Property Law Group in Atlanta, GA

First broadcast October 11, 2019.

Playlist at

“I do worry sometimes about how governments implement noble causes.”

Supercontext: Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse, Season 1

Thank you to our Co-producer patron Kevin Wetter for selecting this week’s topic!

This 2009 TV show, helmed by Joss Whedon, was meant to be a thematic exploration of identity and sexuality but many have argued about its problematic story. Was that because of corporate interference or Whedon’s own issues with feminist representation?

Interested in the media we discussed this episode? Please support the show by purchasing it through our affiliate store:

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