Tag Archives: FOX

Supercontext: Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse, Season 1

Thank you to our Co-producer patron Kevin Wetter for selecting this week’s topic!

This 2009 TV show, helmed by Joss Whedon, was meant to be a thematic exploration of identity and sexuality but many have argued about its problematic story. Was that because of corporate interference or Whedon’s own issues with feminist representation?

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Supercontext: Millennium, Seasons 1 – 3

Was this 1990s serial killer television drama about the end of the world? Or was it about having empathy for our fellow humans? Chris Carter (X-Files) created it after watching Se7en, but over the course of its three seasons Millennium shifted and changed, until unfortunately it was cancelled.

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Supercontext: Legion, Season One

This television show may be an adaptation of a superhero property, but it’s unlike anything we’ve seen before. It takes the collage aesthetics from unusual comic books and turns them into Noah Hawley’s kaleidoscope of mental illness, 60s futurism and a good old fashioned love story. 

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Supercontext: Who Killed Mulaney?

What went wrong with comedian John Mulaney’s debut sitcom? Was it network interference? Formatting? Or did the creator just take on too much? We discuss the differences between irony and sincerity in television humor to try to understand this show’s cancellation.

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