This eighteen-hour continuation of a beloved twenty-five year old television series evokes emotions of both love and hate. So we discuss how Mark Frost, David Lynch and Showtime made and distributed this project while adhering to the original themes of good-versus-evil and unconventional storytelling.
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- Twin Peaks: The Return
- Fortitude
- Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
- Pretty as a Picture
- Lost Highway
- Archie
Additional Resources:
- Ma, Aliza. Film Comment. Nov/Dec2017, Vol. 53 Issue 6, p36-39. 4p. 1
- Ewins, M. (2018). 2 TWIN PEAKS: THE RETURN: DAVID LYNCH & MARK FROST. Sight & Sound, 28(1), 33-36.
- LUCCA, VIOLET, Film Comment. Nov/Dec2017, Vol. 53 Issue 6, p40-41. 2p
- SYME, RACHEL. New Republic. Aug/Sep2017, Vol. 248 Issue 8/9, p66-68. 3p.
- Twin Peaks Revival Back On for ‘More Than’ 9 Episodes as David Lynch, Showtime Resolve Stalemate
- Is Twin Peaks a movie or a TV show? The answer’s more complicated than you’d think.
- David Lynch on Bowie and the Music that Inspired the New “Twin Peaks”
- ‘Twin Peaks: The Return’ Proves David Lynch Still Has a Woman Problem
- Has ‘Twin Peaks’ Been a Hit for Showtime?
- How, and why, Showtime resurrected “Twin Peaks”
- Was Twin Peaks: The Return Worth It for Showtime?