Tag Archives: satire

Supercontext: The Final Programme by Michael Moorcock

This first part in the Jerry Cornelius saga is literary science-fiction that challenges the politics of its time through transgression. But we find eerie parallels to our current zeitgeist and wonder if Cornelius is the perfect device to question our thoughts about subversion and morality.

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Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow

We try to unpack what little is known about this author, while providing a “succinct” description of the book. Along the way we discuss the publishing industry, book awards, obscenity, themes and the mythical reputation this tome has garnered over the years.

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Supercontext: Jodorowsky & Mœbius – Madwoman of the Sacred Heart

This comic book from two of Europe’s most legendary creators both presents and parodies white male themes in the 20th century. So what makes it compelling today? Should we embrace or reject its existentialism?

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Supercontext: 2017 Inauguration Day Special: PREZ

It’s Inauguration Day for Donald Trump… so is a comic book about the first teenage president essential reading for American citizens now? We look at both the 1973 and 2015 versions of PREZ from DC Comics while discussing the cyclical nature of politics and satire.

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