Tag Archives: memoir

Supercontext: Spinning by Tillie Walden

This 2017 graphic novel is a memoir about growing up, figure skating, and coming out of the closet. We talk about how Walden approached the project with guidance from her editor while we look at the comics industry as a whole and the tensions between the book market and the direct market.

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Supercontext: Girl In A Band, by Kim Gordon

This memoir by a music icon was expected to be a tell-all about scandal and betrayal. But we discuss how it’s actually about defense mechanisms that give the illusion of cool confidence.

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Supercontext: Laura Jane Grace, Tranny

With a provocative book title, Laura Jane Grace is reclaiming a slur and repurposing it for her story of struggling with gender dysphoria and self-destructive behavior. Guest Alyson McManus helps us unpack this experience into something universal, with which we can all identify.

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