This animated adult comedy from Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon is on a mission to violate boundaries, while indulging in themes of nihilism and toxicity. We discuss how it’s written and animated, along with its representation of women and its non-unionized production team.
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Additional Resources:
- Social Commentary in “Rick and Morty”
- Dan Harmon, Justin Roiland talk bringing absurd to ‘Rick and Morty’
- Talking to Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland About Their New Adult Swim Show, ‘Rick and Morty’
- ‘Rick And Morty’ Is Better When It Embraces Its Strong Women
- ‘Rick and Morty’ Creators: How Hiring Female Writers Made Season 3 the Best Yet
- Rick and Morty co-creator addresses toxicity among fanbase
- Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland on Rick and Morty, How Community Is Like Star Trek, and Puberty