This animated series was an MTV oddity, televised between 1991 and 1994 in a blur of non-linear, ambiguous chunks. We talk about how creator Peter Chung got this made while inserting symbolic references to the limits of 1990’s storytelling. We also wonder why we’re so nostalgic for a simpler time when our entertainment was more nebulous and weird.
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Additional Resources:
- Aeon Flux: All You’ve Ever Needed From Sci-Fi
- SOUND Interview with Peter Chung
- The Peter Chung Interview!!!!
- Aeon Flux: An animated future from the past
- We Don’t Need Another Live-Action Aeon Flux
- Peter Chung On Aeon Flux
- Marin, R., & Gegax, T. T. (1995). Holy Akira! It’s Aeon Flux. Newsweek, 126(7), 68.
- CRAIG MATHIESON. (2006, June 23). Will the real Aeon Flux please stand up. Age, The (Melbourne), p. 9.
- Atkinson, M. (1996). Inside aeon. Film Comment, 32(1), 20.