Tag Archives: comedy

Supercontext: Crashing, Season One

This HBO television show about a standup comedian going through divorce attempts to tackle three big themes: sex, religion and the importance of comedy. We look into Pete Holmes and Judd Apatow’s motivations behind-the-scenes, while also asking, “What is its point of view beyond self absorption?”

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Supercontext: Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle, Series 3

This British comedy series is a deconstruction of humor in a jazz-like improvisation. We discuss Lee’s persona, the BBC’s decision-making process and the fine lines between self-absorption, art and masturbation. In fact, we take a masturbation metaphor way too far. So brace yourselves.

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Supercontext: The Good Place, Season 1

A strange sculpture with a button on top is being prayed to (or celebrated) by a woman in a demure dress. Title

This mainstream television series may be about the afterlife, but it also serves as a platform for defining our morality here in the real world. We discuss the team behind its creation and how they crafted a narrative that avoids political correctness, while teaching us about ethics and positivity in a time of political trauma.

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Supercontext: Doug Loves Movies

This 12-year running comedy game show features celebrities from the entertainment industry celebrating their love of cinema. But it’s also a fascinating intersection between business and marijuana culture. We discuss its trajectory alongside the legalization of the drug here in parts of the United States.
Check out Doug Loves Movies here.
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Supercontext: Jen Kirkman, “I’m Gonna Die Alone (And I Feel Fine)”

Jen Kirkman is a prolific comedian, known for her acerbic, dry wit. We look at her 2015 Netflix special and wonder what it says about mainstream lifestyles, feminist courage and life after forty.

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Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow

We try to unpack what little is known about this author, while providing a “succinct” description of the book. Along the way we discuss the publishing industry, book awards, obscenity, themes and the mythical reputation this tome has garnered over the years.

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Lost in the Stacks, Episode 366: Homestar Runner, Gone in a Flash

Guests: The Brothers Chaps of Homestar Runner.

Playlist at https://www.wrek.org/2017/12/playlist-for-lost-in-the-stacks-from-friday-december-15th-homestar-runner-gone-in-a-flash-episode-366/

First broadcast December 15 2017.

“We wanted to tell some people some funny stuff, and video was not an option.”

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Supercontext: China Miéville’s Kraken

China Miéville’s novel Kraken is a meandering fantasy comedy full of political themes and a love for weird monsters. How does this author manage to weave together so many themes and genre into one book? And why does he think J.R.R. Tolkien is a “wen on the arse of fantasy”?
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