This British comedy series is a deconstruction of humor in a jazz-like improvisation. We discuss Lee’s persona, the BBC’s decision-making process and the fine lines between self-absorption, art and masturbation. In fact, we take a masturbation metaphor way too far. So brace yourselves.
Interested in the media we discussed this episode? Please support the show by purchasing it through our affiliate store:
- Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle, Series 3
- The Thick of It
- Travel Man
- Nanette
- Review
- The Andy Daly Podcast Pilot Project
- How I Escaped My Certain Fate
- Something to Take the Edge Off
Additional Resources:
- Who says you can’t do jokes about religion on the BBC?
- Stewart Lee returns in ‘Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle’
- Stewart Lee Live Review: If You Prefer A Milder Comedian Please Ask For One
- Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle roars back with more deceptive deadpanning
- ‘Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle’: Daring You To Like It
- Why I walked out of a Stewart Lee gig
- Where are the Thinkers? Stewart Lee in conversation with Neil Jackson for Post-Nearly Press