Tag Archives: production

Supercontext: Hounds of Love

This 1985 concept album by Kate Bush is split into pop songs and a suite of music about someone drowning. We look at Bush’s career arc leading up to this record and how the support she received from those around her allowed to experiment and create this wholly unique music.

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Supercontext: Grimes, Art Angels

How do we respond to a pop music auteur who’s been described as the “patron saint” of her generation? We look at her DIY production work ethic to find out. Additionally, we get very upset about how some try to sexualize, infantilize or demean her with criticism and even death threats.

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Supercontext: Run The Jewels 3

Killer Mike and El-P call their latest record the album of their careers. How does it straddle crass humor, transgression and political activism? And if you are “the jewel,” how does their music fit into your community?

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