Tag Archives: culture

Supercontext: Always Coming Home by Ursula K. Le Guin

This book attempts to redefine the novel by combining narrative with an imagined anthropological record. We discuss Le Guin’s background and mission, as well as larger questions about cultural misappropriation and utopianism.

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Additional Resources:

    • Le Guin, Urusula K. “On the Frontier,” in The Wave in the Mind: Talks and Essays on the Writer, the Reader, and the Imagination, edited by Le Guin. Boston: Shambhala Press, 2004.

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Supercontext: The Trouble with Reality: A Rumination on Moral Panic in Our Time, by Brooke Gladstone

This long-form essay by one of the hosts of On the Media argues that our current sociopolitical conflicts stem from a dissolution of facts and reality. We look at Gladstone’s manifesto for producing her radio show to unpack her project here, while considering her advice for bolstering our own personal realities.

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Supercontext: Learning To Die In The Anthropocene: Reflections on the End of a Civilization, by Roy Scranton

This treatise on climate change argues that we should just accept that our civilization is going to die. We might survive however, by remembering our cultural heritage. We discuss Scranton’s experience at war, as well as the variety of reactions to his claim that we should just confront our own mortality, even when we’re posting to social media.

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Supercontext: Ray Bradbury, “How To Keep and Feed a Muse”

In this essay, one of America’s most beloved storytellers provides advice on consuming media, thinking critically about it and applying it to your own work. We get real personal while trying to figure out who our respective “muses” are. 

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