This dystopian television series presents a horrifying, totalitarian society that forces women to bear children as slaves. We discuss its streaming based production and reception, and then turn to multiple articles on representation, politics, religion and intersectionality to try to provide a perspective the two of us might not normally find.
Interested in the media we discussed this episode? Please support the show by purchasing it through our affiliate store:
- The Handmaid’s Tale
- Children of Men
- Top of the Lake
- Y the Last Man
- God is Disappointed in You
- Spitboy
- Hannibal
- Fargo
- Split Infinity
Additional Resources:
- 10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Handmaid’s Tale
- The Handmaid’s Tale Is Doing A Great Job Of Freaking Everyone Out At SXSW
- Margaret Atwood on Christianity, ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’ and What Faithful Activism Looks Like Today
- Hulu’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ presents striking oppression, silent sisterhood
- Reflecting on the frightening lessons of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’
- What Margaret Atwood thinks of the new Hulu adaptation of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’
- How The Handmaid’s Tale is being transformed from fantasy into fact
- How ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Villains Were Inspired By Trump
- The Handmaid’s Tale, Retold. By: Dockterman, Eliana, Time, 0040781X, 4/24/2017, Vol. 189, Issue 15
- Hate crimes, honour killings and FGM: how The Handmaid’s Tale captures our age of fear
- The Handmaid’s Tale is just like Trump’s America? Not so fast
- The Black Woman’s Tale: Why Margaret Atwood’s Espousal of White Feminist Beliefs Shouldn’t Surprise You
- ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’: A White Feminist’s Dystopia