Tag Archives: The Stacks

Lost in the Stacks, Episode 447: Delete Yourself From Social Media

Guest: Liz Holdsworth of the Georgia Tech Library.

First broadcast November 22 2019.

Playlist at https://www.wrek.org/2019/11/playlist-for-lost-in-the-stacks-from-friday-november-22nd-delete-yourself-episode-447/

“I deleted my Facebook to change my behavior.”

Check out this episode!

Lost in the Stacks, Episode 363: Whose Data? My Data!

Guest: Antti “Jogi” Poikola of Aalto University.

First broadcast November 10 2017.

Playlist at https://www.wrek.org/2017/11/playlist-for-lost-in-the-stacks-from-friday-november-10th-whose-data-my-data-episode-363/

“Radical times.”

Check out this episode!